
Davinci resolve color grading mumbo
Davinci resolve color grading mumbo

It's available on youtube: search for "Netflix and kill" by Ally Kloster if interested. Used the gh4/speedbooster/sigma on another short a couple months ago. Used only available artificial light: night shoot, mostly overheads, the director didn't even want to bother with bounce boards or diffusion. Just used a couple of GH4s, one with a speedbooster/sigma 18-35mm combo and the other a 35mm prime, on a zero dialogue short film set inside a Thai restaurant. We shall see, but I would check those out, as NYC is always home to fantastic workshops. I signed up for the first ever ARRI ALEXA Mini certification by AbelCine here in Nashville, and as a result, I will be listed on their website as one of the few people in the entire state of Tennessee that is officially certified to operate the ALEXA Mini, but I also get to network with other filmmakers and possibly collaborate with them. That will allow you to network with other filmmakers in your area.

davinci resolve color grading mumbo

They actually teach stuff with workshops & seminars that sometimes you get official certification for. I would also suggest paying for workshops by companies like AbelCine. You are in an amazing city with fantastic public transportation, so you already have your foot in the door. I really hope you find some good projects up there. Nowadays, it’s about paying for your own gear up front and doing the majority work yourself (Directing, Cinematography, Lighting, Editing), so finding actual work is quite the trick. Hoping to find some work myself, but it’s not easy. I just moved down to Nashville, TN from Ohio a few weeks ago since film is booming down here and in Atlanta. I won’t be doing any major projects there, sadly. Very nice! If I can ever make it out to NYC again soon, we should definitely get together.

Davinci resolve color grading mumbo